Sunday, March 18, 2012

What's the deal with handedness?

When re-learning how to snowboard recently, my friend and I encountered the same problem that I'd always had, how to figure out which foot was dominant. That's the foot that's supposedly going to lead you down the mountain most comfortably. During my last stint with snowboarding, I never figured out which foot was dominant. I had the experience of just constantly switching back and forth between which foot faced forward. As it turns out, my "footedness" is probably just not super strong in one direction or the other, but once I start pushing myself to do harder actions, I eventually do favor putting my right foot forward (goofy foot).

*As a random note to any folks out there with a similar issue: the classic test of "footedness" is for someone to push you and see which foot you place forward to catch yourself - this doesn't work consistently for me. However, there is a more appropriate test that helps you figure out which foot you might favor for sliding down a huge mountain of snow - wear some slippery shoes on a slippery surface, preferably with soft edges, in case of balance failure, run, and slide. You will most likely always put one foot forward if you don't force yourself to do it differently. ;)*

You're probably wondering at this point what all this has to do with handedness when all I've been talking about is feet! Well, our instructor for the day apparently thought himself a bit of a geneticist and told us all about how there's no gene for "footedness" and then something about handedness that in my tired, cold, and incredibly hungry state I translated as such: "There is no gene for left-handedness. Everyone starts out as left-handed and then if a gene gets turned on, you end up right-handed." I believe that sexual differentiation works somewhat like this, females being the default, but I had no idea that handedness might work the same way. So I looked it up and as it turns out, handedness is a complicated and I guess somewhat controversial topic.

The google search

Well, not too surprisingly, wikipedia was my first stop and it did list most if not all of the major theories that I could find through other sources such as online databases. However, the article was fairly muddled and seemed to mix the theories of left-handedness with descriptions of what it's like to be left-handed and the like. So, for the sake of simplicity, I'm going to list just some of the theories that I've found so far:

Socially learned theory: This one is fairly self explanatory. Some people think that you learn which hand to use by watching others when you're a kid. This doesn't really hold much water since many if not most left-handed kids have right-handed parents.

For fun brain lateralization info: click picture
Brain lateralization theory: This is less a theory about why kids are left-handed and more a theory about how they are left-handed. In this theory, essentially, true left-handed people have the opposite brain lateralization as right-handed people. Which means that while right-handed folks process things like language on the left side of their brain, "true" left-handed folks process language on the right side of their brain. This apparently does generally bear out using FMRI studies, however, there are left-handed folks that process language on the left side of their brain, like right-handed folks. Some use the socially learned theory, or other theories to try to justify those anomalies, but I couldn't find much consensus about it. One thing that does seem to be mostly certain is that if you process language on the right side of your brain, you are most likely left-handed. However, the relationship does not go the other way. If you are left-handed, you don't necessarily process things differently than your right-handed compatriot.

Prenatal hormone imbalances: again, I think this one is fairly self-evident. Some folks believe and there does seem to be a bit of evidence for this, that differential hormone exposure before birth, while in the womb can be a causal factor in the determination of handednes.

There's also the Vanishing twins theory that essentially states that everyone who is left-handed was actually part of a pair of twins and that their twin was never quite formed and thus only they popped out (not quite a technical term =P). This is because twins apparently come in Left/Right pairs at a very high rate.

The Right Shift theory: The closest thing to what my snowboarding instructor mentioned is this theory. This theory basically a single-gene theory, from what I can tell, and states that there's a gene for right-handedness, but no gene for left-handedness. The right-handed gene makes the left side of our brain dominant and thus we become right-handed. This will happen if a child is heterozygous right (CR) or homozygous right (RR). However, if this gene is not active (not sure if that's the technical way to state it) then there is no hemisphere dominance at birth and handedness is essentially decided at random. This one seems to actually pull together some of the ideas in the previously described theories. We have a genetic component that links to brain lateralization, that when it's shut off is basically dictated by epigenetic factors such as prenatal hormones and possibly social learning. But this does leave out the anomalies: folks who are left-hemisphere dominant, but also left-handed, so maybe there's still a place for other theories

One of the many reasons there are so many theories about handedness is because while it does occur at a fairly regular rate in the population, many people believe that it is not hereditary. Many if not most left-handed kids have right-handed parents. This leads many to believe that, like many if not most of our traits, handedness is determined by a combination of factors including both genetic and non-genetic. However, some folks have found recent evidence of a gene linked to handedness. This gene was found to have a link to handedness by linking to brain lateralization (and possibly other things like schizophrenia, but not to worry they say...).

At this point, I guess my snowboarding instructor was kinda right. Most researchers nowadays agree that handedness seems to act in accord with models of a single gene. And given the proportion of right vs left-handers in the population, that gene most likely codes for right-handedness. If the gene is active, then the person turns out right-handed. If the gene isn't active, then it's at chance whether the person is left or right-handed, but that single gene will be enough to skew the distribution of handedness toward the right. We'll how the evidence bears out in the future, but for now I'll just be content to have finally figured out my own foot status when throwing myself down a snowy mountain. =)

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